Parent Support Group


This group was created for Mothers and Fathers who have experienced or who are experiencing episodic, intermittent, and/or permanent estrangement from their adult sons and daughters. Our 1st meeting was held on February 2021. We are here to give and get support so that none of us goes through this journey alone. While we promote taking actions that support our healing, we neither advocate nor oppose any particular outcome regarding our relationships with our adult sons and daughters. Our meetings are devoted to tools for healing. The tools selected are for educational purposes and not necessarily endorsement. 


This is peer support only. This is not crisis care, not medical care, not individual therapy. IF YOU ARE IN CRISIS or you think you may have an emergency, call your doctor or 911 or 988 immediately. If you are located outside the United States, call your local emergency line immediately.  ***We further commit to emotional safety by fostering a community of compassion and being mindful of our behaviors that may be triggering to others.***


  • Use first name only in ZOOM box
  • As peers, we do not give advice. Instead, use "I" statements. 
  • All who attend must have their VIDEO CAMERAS ON; no pics, no videos 
  • Avoid mentioning the names of any specific prescription drugs as it might be triggering.
  • It is recommended that you have a safety plan. 
  • Any member is welcomed to say "ouch" if they feel uncomfortable about something said. 

Due to a recent incident, I had to add: Failure to comply may result in permanent removal from the group. Because mutual respect is essential to maintaining a safe space for all, through a nod or thumbs up, can we all acknowledge the guidelines and Statement of Purpose, and that in order to ensure this a safe place, we accept and agree that: What is shared here stays here


As an estrangement clinician with my own lived experience, please understand that MY choices were and are based on my unique estrangement algorithm.  An estrangement algorithm is the collection of intervening events from pre-birth to the present that led to estrangement.  My choices regarding my journey should NOT be perceived as recommendations for you or your situation.